
A Demonstration of True Committment to Getting-the-Shot !

Posted in Jack Brumm, Photo by Barton's Way Media on January 18, 2009



Here’s a true story for you. It just happened a half hour or so ago.

As you can see from the photos, it’s snowing this morning. We woke to another half foot on the ground. Knowing this would result in poor road conditions, I naturally decided to test the veracity of my snow driving skills forth with. The mission was to drive up to the mailbox and see if my Canon to Nikon adapter ring had arrived. It hadn’t. However, the trip was not for naught. Seeing as I always, well usually, have a camera in the front seat of my rig, I thought I’d snap the Barton’s sign for an easy if not terribly creative solution to the day’s post quota.

Getting the sign shot was easy, getting back down the hill wasn’t going to be. (more…)